The crummy little heater has seen better days, but it was still chugging along just fine. It’s white frame was decorated by brown burn marks as a direct result from the cheap paint-job it had received out of the factory. I felt a slight shudder, so I leaned over to it, and cranked up the temperature. It happily responded with it’s usual drunk gargling. Finally I had some warmth.


It’s been a while since I’ve tried blogging. No, not ‘micro blogging’ which is barely enough to point attention towards yourself, but rather a proper, long form discourse.

I can’t tell you which attempt I’m on, but this will be my final dash towards keeping a digital diary of sorts. But I have promised myself that I will maintain this, and not remove any of it’s contents, even if I end up eventually abandoning it (like I’ve did so in the past).

Although let me be clear: My main issue has always been with the platform itself than anything. All the old blogging sites have either died, or have become some useless garbage. Newer one’s seem to barely exist, or ended up being run by spam-bots (I’m looking at you, Medium!).

I figured, I’ll attempt it this time the old fashion way, and simply go for something self hosted. I can’t justify a site that’s on it’s own server at this point, so I’ll try using Neocities, and see how it goes.

It’s quite possible that I’ll just slap some very minimalist Jekyll or Hugo theme on the site for now, and update it as I go along. Or something like that. But I better start somewhere, otherwise I won’t get anywhere. Well, to be honest I’ve been already been wasting time ever-since I started browsing for the right design a couple of days ago… Very productive.

However, I’m fully aware that I won’t get anywhere again, unless I put my foot down, so I need to create some rules that I need to abide by. These will be:

  • Post at least once every week, no matter what
  • Do not aim to write anything of high literacy value (do I even have the skills for that in the first place?)
  • Be leisure about the content, typo’s and whatnot are fine, as well as swearing (Oh fuck yeah!)
  • Do not try to please anyone but yourself
  • Ramble away about whatever topic you want to, no constraints

There’s probably quite a bit more that I could set in stone, but I think I’ll manage with just this. I’ll move two tutorials to the site later, so there would be some actual useful material around.

With that said: Let the blogging being! (for the umpteenth time)