
I’m not a superstitious person. I don’t believe in ghosts, curses or anything of the sort. Some say the universe has a way of course correcting itself, but I personally don’t think it’s an entity with a mind of it’s own.

Yet, from time to time I reach certain points in life where it makes me think otherwise.

When you feel like things are progressing forward at a steady pace, suddenly it all goes awry. It’s sudden, but never immediate.

You fix everything around the house, within a couple of months something’s bound to break.

You start to pay off your loans, you soon lose your job.

They tell you your grandma’s fine, the next day she dies.

There’s just something extremely weird going on in how the world works, that could potentially make one go full on paranoid and create conspiracy theories on why life likes to constantly kick them in the groin. Good thing I’m not one of these people, albeit there’s been moments when I was beginning to doubt the amount of coincidences piling up onto one another. But I think all in all there’s one key difference between the average person and those that are successful: money.

See, if you’re born into wealth, all your problems are taken care of from the get go, or rather they never materialize to begin with. You don’t worry about bills, time or any major issue that pops up. You just throw a couple of dollars at it, and it’ll solve itself. Or someone will do it for you. Either way you won’t have to worry about the majority of sudden unexpected events appearing in front of you.

It all starts to make more sense when you see how everyone else is chasing wealth around you, as it seems to be the key to a problem free life. Either that or rich people don’t bother mentioning their issues, because whenever they do, we all get angry at them for bitching about mundane stuff.

Of course, anyone who doesn’t have money will also act like a sore loser and keep making up excuses on how wealth doesn’t make you happy. I call bullshit on that. I believe there’s a certain level at which having some is better than none, and anyone else claiming otherwise is just living in denial. Now, I don’t want to be filthy rich, as I see no point in the matter. However I do wish I wouldn’t have any loans nor job worries, as it would allow me to be able to work on things I deem important at any given time.

But that’s privilege, and I don’t have any of that. Never did. There’s one thing I do have though:


Fuck me and progress I guess.