
A Year in Review

I don’t think I’ve ever done a review of my life, so why not start now? Except I have no idea where to begin with, as I honestly do not remember much of anything from the first half. I have a vague idea, but at this point I could just be making up whatever so I’ll try to tackle this in a more overall manner:


The most glaring thing has been catching COVID for the second time, which surprisingly was a walk in the park compared to the first time. Took me a bit more than a week to get it out of my system. I’d say this was a win, albeit I wouldn’t consider myself to be any more or less healthy than I was before in the previous year. I guess stagnation is good in a way, but it could be much better. I do not do ‘new year promises’ as I find them to be pointless, but I do generally plan to live more healthily and this just coincides with a change in the calendar.

Mental Health

I’m not a fan of talking about my own mental health, despite it being seen as something positive. I’m that oddball guy who just handles everything by himself. I do not have a therapist and don’t plan on ever getting one. However I can attest to the fact that despite being “headstrong” I have felt a change for the better in this area. I’m generally dealing with less stress, which is always good and have a better outlook on life. Although I have to also admit that my views in this regard have always been rather “uncommon” as I’m a very matter-of-fact type of guy about it. It is what it is and that’s that, be it garbage or slightly better that’s what you have to deal with. One thing that I do aspire to do is to get less annoyed and mad by things. I don’t know if I’m doing it right though, or I’m simply less likely to stumble upon anger sparking events, but I know they’re out there.

Life in General

I think my life got better for a number of reasons:

  • getting a better job
  • finally being able to move
  • being more productive

Creative Stuff

Now this is where it’s at. Especially the second part of the year has been filled with lots of progress, then again I have started or continued a dozen projects in the past 12 months. I would be a bit happier if I could have gotten more done, but I have achieved certain goals and completed projects that have been on the back burner for a while, so personally I’m quite content with where I am at the moment. CREEPSLORE, a game that I have started to work on 5 years ago is finally evolving into it’s final form and I’m very proud of where it’s ending up (still need to update the damn art and steam pages for it eeeeh). Internet Detective Club needs more work, and there’s a bunch of other unannounced projects in the backlog, but slow and steady wins the race I guess.

Writing wise I have also rewritten or adapted a few things and even released them. To be fair though no one has read any of them, but that’s fine. Eventually people will discover them and enjoy them. I’m not worried about them getting “buried” so to say. I’m done with the whole “instant gratification” bullshit. I’m done with one thing, then I move onto another. That’s it. Sure, it’d be cool if people enjoyed my stuff, but whatever. I’m mostly doing things for myself, so even if I become an unknown author who’s work isn’t being read, I’m OK with that. I’m certain that after I’ve released a few games I’ll get at least a small audience who will be interested in my past portfolio. If not, be it. Don’t care honestly, I’m not going to beg and spam these things over and over again.

I am Not Rich

Sadly I have not achieved enlightenment in regards to finances or win the lottery (which I don’t even play) so nothing changed here. I do have exciting plans, but first I have to become loan free. I doubt I will ever attain a huge wealth but I do want financial stability and the ability to do whatever I wish (which honestly is not a lot or anything exceptionally amazing). Then again I also do not aim to be “filthy rich”. What’s the point of having money you can’t ever spend or buying luxury mansions with sports cars? You tell me, I legit do not care. My so called “Dream House” would be a kitchen, single bedroom, a study, a bathroom and a toilet with an external garage or something serving as a workshop or tinkering area. Slap onto that a bit of space for storage (partial pantry) and I’m good. Anything more than this is just a pain in the ass to upkeep with pointless and unused square meters.

The Future

Pretty much the easiest thing to say is that I just do what I did this year. No major changes apart from releasing more stuff and being more healthy. But these are kind of given already. Honestly there’s nothing I can think of that would be super exceptional which I would want to do. Well, maybe visiting Japan once, however I don’t think that will happen anytime soon and I kind of want to learn the language first at least on a basic level. I tried once, but didn’t have enough time for it, right now I’m also involved with too many things and would just lead to me frying my brain. Once I’ve completed half of my projects though, I’ll get to that.

Hah, so I do have some extra goals it seems.

Whatever, if someone actually reads this “blogthing”: Thanks, you’re probably the single person amongst the many bots that add to the sites visiting statistics, lol.